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Viagra may help prevent dementia, an Oxford trial has suggested.The drug, also known as sildenafil, is used to treat erectile dysfunction in men and improves blood flow.Patients taking the little
Taylor Brown, 15, is celebrating three years since her bone marrow transplant. Instead of using her wish for herself, she decided to give back.
A New York shelter is putting a spotlight on one of its longest residents — a picturesque pup named Jaxon. In a Facebook post on June 4, the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society highlighted the gray 5-year
1.An over-the-door storage solution perfect for your keys, wallet, knick-knacks, and almost all your outerwear. With some nice, clean scandi features, they'll blend in with almost every decor — and
Large yellow-and-gray spiders with 4-inch-long legs that can fly through the air are heading to the Northeast and could show up this summer, according to multiple
The following films are classics of the 2020’s, some of the most critically acclaimed films of the decade.
Rochester, N.Y. — A new dress drive was held Sunday at the Marketplace Mall for gently used prom dresses.The event was hosted by the Fairy Godmothers of Rochester, where the drive allowed every girl
Anime comes in all shapes and sizes. A lot of experimental anime only lasts a few episodes, with a single season to its name. That said, plenty of these anime still proved to be cult classics, with
READ MORE: What the experts do themselves to slash their risk of Alzheimer's Scientists have developed a first-of-its-kind test that could predict dementia up to nine years before a diagnosis — and
Who makes the biggest sandwich in New York? It’s likely at Sarge’s Delicatessen and Diner in Murray Hill; but first, a little backstory on the evolution of giant sandwiches in New York. We
An angler fishing off southwest Florida reeled in a bizarre sea creature later identified as a piebald lemon shark. Piebald is a genetic mutation that results in spotting and/or color blotches.
An article published in the Journal of Controlled Release details the results of a cross-border scientific collaboration that has developed an alternative for the treatment of solid tumors based on
Two steps forward, one step back.Lately, that's how progress looks for 17-year-old Jason Leider, a former Elmwood Park resident who lives with Hunter Syndrome,
Are we there yet? The refrain rings through road-tripping heads, even if kid-sized backseat drivers aren't around to call it out. But if you believe the journey matters
Some couples just seem to make sense the second you see them, and there are others who surprise you. And that certainly was the case between a small Dachshund and a giant Rhodesian Ridgeback. On
As 71-year-old Arlene Rado took her dog for an afternoon walk June 5 in downtown Chicago, the unexpected happened. A man came up behind the woman, wrapped his left arm around her neck and stabbed
Backstage compiled a list of movies and TV shows casting in Kansas.
In the vast network of streams and trees and mountainous forest that make up the Amazon rainforest, many creatures could be lurking in the dark, never discovered. They may be hidden under massive
Hiking in the mountains of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, scientists spotted a “dead leaf” sitting on a shrub. The “leaf” was actually a pregnant camouflaged creature — and a new species.

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