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Every year, thousands of teenagers age out of foster care without the support of a family. No one to call when they have a flat tire, nowhere to go for the holidays and no one to share their good
Long marriages are not as common as they used to be, but many US presidents did make theirs work—in some cases—for decades. Some of these marriages stood the test of time, and few came to an end
Previous studies on the function of glycosaminoglycans have primarily focused on improving host physiological indices. However, little attention has been paid to the material basis and mechanism of
As flames raged through the historic Crouch Memorial Church in South Central, a small dog alerted her family to wake up. “Luckily, we got a signal from our dog. She was barking out loudly, and she
A 98-year-old Marine veteran who enlisted in the Marine Corps at 17 during World War II was awarded a high school diploma two days before his death. Richard Remp, who was receiving hospice care in
One-sided relationships with YouTubers are more emotionally fulfilling than talking to casual friends, a new study suggests. The University of Essex research discovered people feel watching online
Every day, police officers respond to reports of all sorts of events and nonevents, most of which never make the news. Here is a sampling of lesser-known — but no less noteworthy — incidents from
Embark on a journey through the heart of NASCAR as we explore the top 10 tracks that have defined the sport's legacy. Join us as we delve into the rich history of these legendary circuits.
Say goodbye to traditional warp drives - the new Kardashev Drive in Star Trek #20 puts them all to shame. The
It's been a year since a tiger cub was seized from a Phoenix home and was moved from Arizona to a Minnesota sanctuary.The cub went from living locked in a small cage inside a closet to rolling in the
Some of these couples should have thought twice before saying “I do."
Cell division produces new cells, which underpin life proliferation and development. Mitosis is the shortest and the most dynamic phase of the cell cycle. During mitosis, chromosomes are evenly
Visitors to the Welsh coast were greeted with a spectacle during the bank holiday weekend when a pod of Bottlenose Dolphins put on a display.Boat trippers in New Quay Bay, Ceredigion watched in awe
Watch these five movies leaving Netflix at the end of May 2024. Our picks include the final film in a beloved young adult franchise and an iconic '90s comedy.
The legacy of a 42-year-old attorney from Alexandria will be kept alive with a brand-new scholarship fund.Mitchell Ethan Lucarelli died on Monday, May 13,
Would you believe me if I told you that Brittney Griner isn't in the top three tallest players all-time in the WNBA? Well, she's not. However, being one of the tallest players in the WNBA
South Korea could hardly be hotter right now: the country's name is on everybody's lips. But what about the cuisine? Korean food is just as well-crafted and addictive as you might imagine. Perfect
A new study has shown an advance in the treatment of antibiotic-resistant infections in animals. The research, focusing on a 5-year-old Siamese cat Squeaks with a multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas
A cow had to be rescued by firefighters after lodging its head in a tree. Wallingford Fire Station in Oxfordshire saved the entangled cow. Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service said: “The
If you're just starting out with your cooking journey, you're probably used to adding items to your grocery list as you go. With each recipe, there's always something new you need to grab, whether

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